According to a new study, which was presented at the annual meeting in Chicago of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, even though American cancer patients paid twice as much as Canadians did for healthcare, they still didn’t get...
The world recently acknowledged the power of alternative cancer treatments by awarding the 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine to Dr. James P. Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo for their work in immunotherapy. More specifically on checkpoint inhibitor therapies.
Until recently...
The gut may have many microbe colonies but it they don’t only exist within the gut. They also are present in places like the breast. The mediterranean diet even promotes the production of anti-cancer bacteria. Researchers discovered the promotion...
Clostridium spores are now showing promising results within a bacteria injection to help stall the growth of tumors and cancerous cells. Tumors from breast cancer and melanoma reacted very well to the injections and are the basis to the...
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the skin reproduces rapidly and causes red patchy skin
Psoriasis has raised some brows within cancer research and whether it can cause cancer or not. Although more research is need psoriasis is suspected...
The case whether aspirin can prevent a myriad of bad events and diagnoses is already closed. Heart diseases and strokes are prevented through the use of aspirin but it also can reduce the risk of cancer and it is...
Cancer is second leading cause of death, and the most common causes of cancer are easily avoidable causes. It is a matter of how well we take care of ourselves and how we choose to live. A healthy lifestyle...
We should always keep a close watch on what we put inside our bodies. A lot of the foods that we eat everyday are not all good for us, and although they taste good they are mixed with substances...
Around 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, but cancer can be prevented with the proper self care and precautions. Lifestyle choices are a huge factor to how high or low your risk of cancer is....
Brain cancer is considered the leading cause of death within young patients under the age of 20. The best way to heal anything is to prevent it from ever happening and these are ways to help prevent the risk...