Home Kidney Cancer 5 Natural Kidney Cancer Remedies

5 Natural Kidney Cancer Remedies

Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies

When it comes down to it supporting your immune system is one the most important and most vital things to take care of when dealing with any type of cancer. A lot of different types of cancer treatment, no matter how necessary they are for patient survival they cause severe damage to the immune system by having a negative effect on bone marrow. You may have heard some people say chemo can both cure and cause cancer and this is very much true.

In cases of kidney cancer, doctors rarely recommend chemotherapy, because it simply doesn’t work very well as a treatment for this specific type of cancer. However, it is possible to become resistant to some conventional immune therapies. Regardless of what treatment you are being given, I would urge anyone with kidney cancer to give special attention to botanical extracts and nutrients supported by research to support the immune system in a safe way that does cause resistance. Here are some natural remedies for kidney cancer.

Korean Ginseng: the roots of this plants have been used in Chinese medicine for years and now scientists are saying that Korean Ginseng has a huge role to play in the prevention, and possibly treatment, of cancer. One study on Korean men showed that taking Korean Ginseng reduced the risk of multiple types of cancer by up to 40%. The most likely mode of action is that Korean Ginseng enhances the immune system. Laboratory studies have also confirmed that Korean Ginseng directly inhibits the growth of kidney tumors. Some of the chemicals in Ginseng may increase blood pressure, so be careful with this herb if you’re on medication.

Echinacea: a timeless plant that is used worldwide for promoting a healthy immune system. Echinacea also helps to cleanse the kidneys from heavy metals, including cadmium, and has anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Echinacea is considered generally safe, though some caution should be used if you suffer from allergies to other plants in the Daisy family.

Danshen: Danshen is a popular antioxidant for the kidneys. Scientists have isolated an antioxidant from Danshen and studied it, quite in depth, for its anti-cancer effects on kidney cancer cells. This antioxidant, known as tanshinone IIA, causes cancer cells to self-terminate in laboratory and animal studies. While, as a drug, tanshinone IIA is not yet readily available, Danshen extract is freely available through herbal stockists and practitioners. Danshen may affect some heart medications, such as digoxin and warfarin, so consult with your doctor before using this herb if you are on medications.

Astragalus: Astragalus is one of the best herbs you can have in your natural therapy toolkit. It is a well known kidney restore, but also one of the best “anti-cancer” immune building herbs. It is a safe herb to take long-term, and is used in the a famous immune building formula, that is used in the treatment of cancer, called “Astragalus 8”.

Vitamin D3: a deficiency of vitamin D is known as one of the risk factors for developing kidney cancer. Vitamin D is required for healthy immune function, and sadly, studies show that deficiency in vitamin D is on the rise, especially in the elderly. As well as supplements, vitamin D3 is available from dairy, salmon, sardines, fish oil, cod liver oil, eggs and mushrooms. If you are taking diuretics, check with your doctor before purchasing vitamin D3 supplements, as it may interfere with these medications. And the latest studies show that Vitamin D should always be taken with Vitamin K for best effect.

When choosing to integrate complementary medicine with your conventional therapies, it is important to be working alongside a naturopath or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, as well as your oncologist. It might seem frightening, but having a holistic support team is a huge step in your journey towards recovery and healing.


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